My life is incredible. The fact that God would place a dream in my heart & allow it to become true just blows my mind.
Before I continue this I would like to thank Abandon, Abandon Kansas, Kiros, Hyland, The Almost, House of Heroes, Uprise Festival Staff, & whoever I'm forgetting.
Anyways last week my mind was blown away. Oh dear Lord, I don't know where to start! I guess I can't say much, but God has his own timing. Sometimes you'll be surprised about how soon it will actually, so keep faith, & don't give up on hope. I probably had one of the most defining moments in my life last Saturday, & I promimse I will never forget it. Once you see the crowd from the stage, you can never forget it. Watching thousands of people interact at one time. It's crazy. You've all seen the pictures, & think "Oh wow that looks cool." Once you've seen it in real life, it's not "just cool" anymore. I know last week was just one of the few baby steps, on my road of life, but if that was just a baby step, what is a real step going to be like?
Keep dreaming.