School has started, so I will most likely be blogging a lot less. Anyways I've been sick lately, lately being the past two days. Saying that I've been bored, because miraculously my teachers decided they would be nice and not give us an overload of homework. So what have I been doing... Nothing much. I'm a twitterer or a tweeter or whatever it is. (You can see the widget on the left hand of the page) And I follow different people from different places and one of them just happens to be Ethan Luck. Previously I was not familiar with the Antoine Dodson "Bed Intruder" craze on Youtube, but Ethan Luck got together with Hayley Williams(Paramore) & Jordan Pundik(New Found Glory), & they did a Pop Punk Version of the original autotuned song. I found this to be extremely hilarious.
Anyways, enough about that. This summer I really wanted to attend Purple Door. Every band that was performing there that I wanted to see I had already seen this summer, or I would have the oppurtunity to see in 3 weeks from now at Uprise Festival, except one. And that one band I wanted to see really bad is like my favorite. Ok they are number 2 after Switchfoot, so this was a pretty big deal for me. I had 2 free tickets to go to Purple Door & no ride. I was pretty bummed. No that's a lie. I was extremely disappointed. Besides the point, Purple Door was 2 weeks ago, and in 2 weeks that same band will be playing a show 1 hour away from me! Yeah this probably sounds really dumb to you all, but this is a pretty big deal to me. Jesus is who I live for, but music is how I live. So that to me was quite a miracle.
So that's pretty much the update about me. How about you?
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